Elizabeth Leopold Baker rehearsing scout songs alongside Dorothy Struggles and Eleanor Ferguson for Girl Scout Rally in Cleveland, Ohio, Saturday night April 29, 1922 photo by Van Oeyen Studio
Elizabeth Leopold Baker rehearsing scout songs alongside Dorothy Struggles and Eleanor Ferguson for Girl Scout Rally in Cleveland, Ohio, Saturday night April 29, 1922 photo by Van Oeyen Studio
Guilford House dining room, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio
5th Grade Class, Memorial School, Cleveland, Ohio
Cleveland runners at the finish line
famed aviatrix Amelia Earhart (holding beaker) christened the Goodyear blimp Defender in 1929 at the National Air Races in Cleveland
Poster invitation for the 1921 Kokoon Arts Club 9th Annual Bal Masque, which was held January 28 at the Masonic Temple. This poster was an invitation sent to Mr Jacob […]
bobbed children are our future. teach them well and let them lead the way Nottingham School – Cleavland, Ohio
Elizabeth Chisholm & Elizabeth Cross drink tea at Sterling-Lindner-Davis department store, Cleveland, Ohio, 1928
Higbee Company opening day to the public, Tuesday, September 8, 1931, downtown Cleveland, Ohio this is THE very same Higbee’s used in the filming of A Christmas Story! top – […]
East Denison Elementary School class photo, Cleveland, Ohio, January, 1926