you can be flush with Louise Brooks!
you can be flush with Louise Brooks!
cu(t)e cards
Irene Bordoni, Bob Brockhusrt and Carl Mainfort at the Coconut Grove Night Club on Candid Camera Night, Washington DC photo by Arthur E. Scott
four women playing cards with an outsize deck, made from thin pine board, on a floating table in the Deschutes River, Deschutes County, Oregon, circa 1935
Come Out of The Kitchen photo series for The Bureau of Power & Light of Southern California one of the women pictured is Lee Germaine photos by Dick Whittington Studio, 1931
Camilla Rutherford feels lucky
it’s 11/11 – make a wish!!
miss-flapper: Movie poster for Theda Bara starring in Carmen, 1915. HA!
Theda Bara (July 29, 1885 – April 7, 1955) in 1915’s Carmen