Saying Good Bye to Blanche left to right – Colleen Moore, Blanche Sweet, Marshall Neilan, Conway Tearle and Adele Rowland dated June 22, 1924
Mademoiselle Marphyse by G. Utudjian for the June 1929 cover of Paris Plaisirs
who legged it out best?
to draw the public’s attention to a new line of bathing suits, a Tokyo department store used live models to show off the suits on June 5, 1950. The rain […]
Abel photo of Maria Chourinoff on the June 1925 cover of Paris Plaisirs
unknown beauty, Ladies’ Home Journal, June 1963
Bemidji State Teaching College Instrumental Ensemble, Minnesota, June 1932
they make sweet music together, June 6, 1932
Early Christy brought power to these flowers on the June 1926 cover of The American Magazine